Today's calendar BS Thursday 11 April 2072 on e accordingly. NO. On 24 March 2016,enabling the called Baisakhi, Sake: - 1 9 37, Sun solstice, spring, nesam : - 1136, (cillaga) Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal Sunrise: 05:58 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: At 06: 0 9 pm Kathmandu, Nepal Sunrise: 06:06 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: At 06:16 pm in Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal Sunrise: 06:11 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: at 06:22 pm April waning pratipada date, evening, 06:15 pm, and II date, Sd star, evening 08:37 pm, and Figure star, the moon Virgo (three- widespread) , increasing the sum, 07:54 am in the morning, and pole yoga, taitila Karan, Karan at 06:15 pm and do,anandadi Yoga: monster, candravarna: black, candradisa: South, yoginidisa: East, varasula: South, in today's fast ÷ festival: Dhule Jatra, vasantadi, oil, wear and mango mujura the day, Nala matsyendranatha bath, Newari nalanhava, cakamyata, dhulayata, Gangaur service early, today muhurta: rudrabhiseka (rudripuja), karnavedha (ear piercing), Shop Hunting, foundation (foundation keep), vastrabharana (gunyu), the doors to keep, puranasravana, the next 3 days the fast ÷ festivals and auspicious muhurta:tomorrow muhurta: annaprashan (Pasco), agnivasa (homadi), karnavedha (ear piercing), aksararambha, shops Hunting, vastrabharana ( gunyu), dravyaprayoga or investing, home permeates the ÷ concrete, May 13: Nala mastyendranatha rath, Nala travel, dravyaprayoga or investing, home to permeate ÷ downhill, 14 December: rudrabhiseka (rudripuja), today's Horoscope Aries (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, take, take, A) - mesh relative or friend support to the work accomplished circumstances.Pranayasambandhama seem negativity. Think things will be slow and edit. Abroad and partnership will benefit. Arthikasankata may occur. Intellectual and academic sectors can not be a focus. Health should be aware of. For today subhaanka 4 and subharanga yellow or pink, then a subhakarma before traveling to the east or today at least 9 times chanting this mantra Namah mahalaksmyai the start of benefits. Brsa (E, A, A, O, Ba, B, W, Bay, BO) - brish educational, academic and intellectual progress for the time may be helpful, but the interruption is likely. Masters, parents and friends in the sallahabamojima manapratistha and social dignity for the effort will be successful. Vyaktitvavikasako progeny were disrupted and they may concern. For today subhaanka 5 and subharanga purple or yellow if no prior subhakarma or before the journey today at least 9 times chanting this mantra Namo bhagavate vasudevaya of the early benefits will be received.Gemini (the, that, Ku, d, e, is , the, the, uh) - mithun household tasks is to be immortal.Someone may argue in vain neighborhood. Because of the love and disappointment ratiragaka it shall be. Marriage and love and the love Blur could come. Santanapaksako in love has come down. Entertainment and disadvantages may khelavadale. Today's subhaanka 5 and subharanga yellow if no subhakarma prior or journey before today brm brhaspataye Namah This mantra at least 1 9 times chanting the start of benefits.Carcinoma (hi, i, o, is, da, de, du , de, do) - karkat today, speech difficulties, prone to be contrary to the meaning of the possibility, silence will be the cause. Care and respect, without which the religious and social activities shall be borne by the leading role.Gharaparivarabhitrai or relatives will create the same point in the atmosphere, but in the end victory will be yours. For today subhaanka 2 and subharanga white if it is the former or the journey before any subhakarma es today at least 11 times the chanting this mantra Namah somaya of the early benefits will be received. Singh (in, Mr. Mu, May, Mo, Ta, T , to, Te) - singha work obligation will gradually grow. Shall bear responsibility for the neighbors or relatives. The new work hand is not put as much good, but now being the work will benefit. Speak effects not stay, so disputes and conflict will be a good retreat.Reaching useful item to purchase will not benefit. For today subhaanka 6 and subharanga subhakarma white if no prior or before the journey at least 24 times this mantra chanting Om Namah Gurvey today the start of benefits. Virgo (toe, W, p, m, j, o, l, pe, Po) - kanyachoice will be enhanced. It is a new zeal and vigor sprout. Grain, fruits, etc. The sum of the agricultural business well to earn. Santosh work and travel abroad can be made. Gift Award and more abundant. The new work has made favorable time has come to think of.For today subharanga subhaanka 3 and red if it is the former or the journey before any subhakarma Ganjam today at least 21 times the chanting this mantra Namah ganapataye the start of benefits. Libra (and, Ri, Rs, Re, crying, so, those , Tu, Te) - tula journey come from chaos, so keep the vehicle driving or the road safely senses. It may be in poor health, would do well to strictly control. Because of his work, and due to lack of money is the heart of unrest and widespread panic. And unfortunately will decrease the body refreshed. Spending is likely to rise. For today subhaanka 7 and subharanga blue if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 23 times the chanting this mantra Namah mrtyunjayaya today the start of benefits. Brscika (then, not, free, Nu, has, no, or, these, U) - brishik administration and the state should work will achieve success. Yoga is growing interest in charity work. Dessert will receive food. Citinng will progress. If you are a work is infringed by a high rating would indicate. Speech will be appreciated. Praise, promotion or assignment seems to. Health is strong. For today subhaanka 4 and subharanga subhakarma green if no prior or before the journey bum today at least 8 times chanting this mantra Namah budhaya of the early benefits will be received.Sagittarius (this, this, dirty, tenant, terrain, th, F , v, unjust) - dhanu parents and abhibhavakavargako palliative care will be spent. Abroad and employment sector seems to follow the dictates compatibility. Beelzebub, the decision appears to have been dodharepana. In today's time-intensive work will be minor household. The new work also sank in mind the idea can not be implemented. For today subhaanka 3 and subharanga pink if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 10 times today to inquire chanting this mantra Namah angarakaya of the early benefits will be received. Capricorn (Vaux, H, G, khi, ON, game, lose , Ga, Gear) - makar soon will feel that their ability to make decisions, but the tone of the ninth moon in simple manner to assist the operation log. Social work more or less the same will benefit. Parental influence on the general health and mentality. Asceticism can sense somewhat mamdarina. For today subhaanka 2 and subharanga white or ghiuranga if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 21 times this mantra chanting Om Namah Shivaya today the start of benefits.Aquarius (Th, Gay, Go, which, si, su, from, So, the) - kumbha money, religion and the fate of the potential harm. Is likely to come to a sudden health disorders. It is time to tackle the various problems. Gharaparivarabhitra dekhinasakchan minor problem. Stress can lead to mental and cidacidepana. Social and Charity will be obstacles in the way. Reputation for the struggle to achieve. For today subhaanka 7 and subharanga subhakarma black if no prior or before the journey at least 23 times this mantra Namah sanaiscaraya Sceptics today and start chanting of benefits. Mean (D, sorrow, y, i, j, give, two , f, Chi) - mean the family will create a pleasant atmosphere, will meet friends and atmiyajanasamga.Recreation will enjoy it. Will enhance the confidence and ability to make decisions quickly.Get the advice of friends who will benefit from the work. Pesavyavasaya or abroad will benefit. For today subhaanka 1 and if no pink subharanga subhakarma before traveling to the east or at least 7 times today ghrni suryaya Namaha mantra chanting the beginning of this benefit will receive.
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